Solid state NMR group - Amir Goldbourt 

Tel Aviv University, School of Chemistry
NMR links

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NMR Web pages:

NMR periodic table ; Pascal-Man: Quadrupolar nuclei ; NMR in Spectroscopy now ; NMR-Wiki ; Compilation of the early papers on NMR; structure determination by NMRNMR information serverDrorlist-groups, structures and more

Proteins: PDB;  PDB wiki;  cryoEM: EMDataBank ;  Classification of viruses: ICTV ; biological magnetic resonance data bank: BMRB; nucleic acids: NDB;
organic compounds:
SDBS; membrane proteins: here; proteomic server: ExPasy ;

NMR in Israel:
Weizmann: Shimon Vega; Lucio Frydman; Zeev Luz; Jacob Anglister;
Asher Schmidt;
Bar Ilan:
Eva Meirovitch; Jordan Chill; Gil Goobes
Tel Aviv: Yoram Cohen; Gil Navon; Amir Goldbourt;

NMR facilities: WeizmannTechnionHebrew University

NMR related Software
Processing: NMRPipe; MATNMR; RMN (for mac)
Analysis: Sparky; CCPNMR; NMRView; CARA;
Structure calculation: Xplor-NIH ; CNS ; CYANA (non free)
Numerical simulation: SIMPSON; ; GAMMA
Line fitting: dmfit

Reviews - Biosolids NMR

  1. Molecular interactions investigated by multi-dimensional solid-state NMR
  2. Magic-angle spinning solid state NMR: application to structural biology
  3. Structural and dynamic studies of proteins by solid-state NMR spectroscopy: rapid movement forward
NMR educational:
The basics of NMR (Hornak)
Understanding NMR spectroscopy (Keeler lecture notes)
Biomolecular Solid State NMR winter school
Product operator formalism (The book)